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This year's training are on Saturdays February 15 and March 22

Each spring the San Francisco Beekeepers Association holds a pair of classes for new and intermediate beekeepers filled with the practical knowledge you need to keep bees successfully throughout the year. This is information you can't get just by reading books or watching videos - it's real world, Northern California beekeeping taught by local experts.

We used to offer these as a single class, but found that in one long session there was just too much to learn (information overload!). So the training is now divided into two sessions: Part 1: Essential Equipment and Part 2: Basic Beekeeping

Why choose the SFBA classes?

There are other intro classes out there, but most are just overviews. None (that we know of) go as far in-depth as these and give you the best chance to successfully keep bees right from the beginning. Plus, at just $50 for the pair, they are the best bargain around!

How can training that costs just $50 be such high quality?

Easy: We're a 501c3 not-for-profit that truly cares for bees. Our mission statement starts with the pledge to educate and support urban beekeeping, so we're not in this to make money. SFBA classes are given by longtime, volunteer beekeeping teachers with a curriculum honed over years of training and mentoring new and intermediate beekeepers.

So, I have to be a member to attend?

Yes. Joining the club costs just $30 for an individual, $40 for a family membership. We used to allow non-members to attend for $100 for the training, but most converted to membership when they realized, as a member, it was $20 less.

More importantly, the intro training is just the first step. We want you to take advantage of member benefits, such as hive inspection days, extraction days, low cost bee packages and nucs, two member parties and access to extractors at a low cost. 

Lastly, we're limiting our training to just 60 members, and we find that folks who join the club are generally more interested in becoming good beekeepers. 

Two Classes, Really?

There's a lot to learn so we break up the classes into two digestible modules. This way, there's no "information overload" from one long class.

In the first class, students are introduced to bees and beekeeping language. We cover some basics about bees and then concentrate on the equipment you'll need going forward. There will be practical demos and time for questions.

The month-long interval between the first and second class gives students time to read more, familiarize themselves with beekeeping practices and come to the second class with knowledge to build on.

The second class does a quick review of equipment, then we spend the bulk of the class teaching new beekeepers how to keep their bees healthy and happy alive the first year. It's "real life" beekeeping with tips and info about beekeeping in Northern California that you just can't get through YouTube or online sources.

What about getting bees?

We have a long-standing relationship with a highly regarded breeder and offer great bees at a special low cost. More details in class. And you have to be a member to get bees. 

If you have any questions about the classes, please email

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